‘Wild by Nature’ Field Guides


This charming 4-book series inspired by the Forest School movement, beautifully written by Gabby Dawnay, teaches young children how to engage with nature from season to season. Building on children’s natural curiosity about the world around them, the books aim to establish a connection with nature at an early age that will go on to last a lifetime!

Featuring lyrical poems, hands-on crafts and activities, scientific facts, and identifier pages to help children find different plants and animals. Whether a child’s access to nature is in the form of an urban park, a private garden, a field, or a forest, there is so much to discover and experience.

Winner of a Bookstagang Award for Innovative Non-Fiction

Publisher Thames & Hudson
Authors Gabby Dawnay, Louise Black
Age 6-9

  • "The painterly illustrations truly set these titles apart. Brouwers uses vivid colors to depict the awe-inducing markers of each season."

    — School Library Journal

  • "Aptly, Brouwers’ realistic, watercolor-esque illustrations are rendered in light blues, greens, and yellows... An ode to spring that will have readers getting out in nature.

    — Kirkus Reviews

  • "The stunning artwork by Dorien Brouwers, a World Illustration Award winner, draws your eye to its place on any bookshelf, or on a tabletop display - open it to find inside poetry, hands on kid-friendly activities, and wonderfully narrated information about all things Spring by bestselling author and poet, Gabby Dawnay."

    — The Kids Books Curator


Life – Penguin Random House